Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by Roz 1999 SVT-C:

with no ill effects that i can tell...Redline still gets my approval till science tells me other wise.


....now what's with the 'science' comment?,lab tests have been posted way back between this and 'honey' and as far as I'm aware Redline have not run the product throu the test rig used for spec WSD-M2C200-C....so it's the redline that has no science or testing to back it up!.....


If you actually took the time to read my previous posts, im going to be sending a sample of my transfluid to BlackStone Labs for there analysis testing. As well as run a fresh fill for another 30,000 miles....Real world testing is the best thing im going to get to actaul scientific proof...so before you spout out at the mouth like you always do, why don't you take a deep breath and relax.....Your always so quick to jump down peoples throats and get hostile when YOU don't understand what they mean.

And if it blows becuse of the MTL then it does...atleast i'll know for a fact...On top of that its not like i cannot replace it. For knowledge, i'll be more than happy to be the gunie pig so that others can have a better understanding.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with MTL....But point is...I have not....atleast not yet....and when i drain it, and send the sample in, ill have a better understanding...Till then....Bite Me.


Last edited by Roz 1999 SVT-C; 02/24/06 06:31 AM.

3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles