Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
Originally posted by DemonSVT:
Originally posted by Tourige:
Ford Honey, its proven not to ruin your [censored] unlike redline.

Nothing has proven any thing nor has anyone. Your comment is utter tripe and sheer ignorance.

Yes, but neither you nor Warmonger run the redline anymore...yet you continue to defend it to the death...and if you go over to the 3000GT boards they call the stuff snake oil and run away from it. We are not the only platform out there to call the stuff poison.

If you are so adamant about disproving the whole MTL debate then run some in your car. Better yet, buy some and send it off to a lab along with some Ford Honey for a comparison. Until then I (and several others) are going to listen to the fella who has the lab results and has cracked more trannies than you!

Lastly why is he ignorant for listening to TH's take on the subject over yours?! Which is all this is really about...

Oh yeah and I hate to drag him into this, but Stazi immediately drained his MTL and put the Royal Purple in his tranny after terry posted the data...

I think the point is that although this subject is DEBATEABLE, there has not been proof presented that is conclusive enough for everyone involved to believe it.
It's kinda like someone eating at a restaurant, going home and getting sick later that night. Probably more than half will claim it was food poisoning even though no other people at the restaurant or even in the family complained about a problem. It MIGHT have been food poisoning or it might have been stomach flu....

So for every failed MTX tranny that is even remotely related to lubrication problems, there are at least one other success story with it too.

As far as a failed tranny having stinking MTL, I don't disagree with that. However, all trannys running MTL that didn't fail have shown the MTL to still be sweetish smelling. These are reports from people who have ran it a long time. I expect any failed tranny to have stinky fluid to be honest because the heat and metal will damage the lube...so it goes both ways here.

Also, I DID run Redline again during and after the MTL debacle, but I was running MT90. THis is a fluid using similar or even the same base stocks but engineered to a heavier weight. Both GL4 fluids. I liked it and I still saved the fluid downstairs in the garage. I had it in about 5 months, say July-November of last year so it may not be long enough to really say it was good or bad.
And before that I was running Royal Purple gear max, another fluid rated at GL5 but that claimed not to hurt yellow metal alloys. It worked pretty good but was a little notchy on cold morning starts, same as the MT90.
I went to switch to torco MTF because that is the fluid I ran the longest in my tranny and I never had an issue with cold or hot, but got sent RTF by accident. So I tried the RTF. It is some pretty good stuff, the best I've used so far.

So to sum it up: I don't run redline anymore because I found something better. I didn't stop using it because I thought my tranny would fail, I stopped using it because it was time to service the trans lube and I didn't want to wait for mail ordered MTL so I bought RP gearmax from my local shop. I didn't have any problems with MTL when I ran it and had nothing but good things to say about it.
I ran it from summer 2003 - march 2005, about a year of driving on it and just shy of a year that it just sat in my transmission while I went to Iraq.
IF ANYTHING was going to kill a transmission it would be sitting in a bath of the stuff and not being used for 10 months, AFTER being used for probably 8-10 months!! You can probably see the wisdom of changing any fluid after that time.
So try to understand my skepticism isn't personal, I just have too many things that indicate differently.

Former owner of '99 CSVT - Silver #222/2760 356/334 wHP/TQ at 10psi on pump gas! See My Mods '05 Volvo S40 Turbo 5 AWD with 6spd, Passion Red '06 Mazda5 Touring, 5spd,MTX, Black