I mentioned a few of my desires in the CEG Finances topic stickied above.

Some more:
  • As it stands we have some FAQs in the forums, some FAQs in the main site, and some in both the forums and the main site (example: hazing headlights). All FAQs should be moved to the forums IMHO so we don't have to deal with duplicate organization like this. I like the idea of keeping the FAQs themselves in the boards, but keeping an index of the FAQs on the main site where they are easily accessible rather than indexed in various stickies in different forums. I like having a main site still; there are many enthusiast websites that don't and it becomes a pain to find commonly-known information. All said and done it's a whole lot more organized than it's ever been before (thanks GTO Pete for the hard work!) but the main site FAQs are still hanging out in left field.
  • Main site looks, feels and is dated. Old profiles are gone, and I'd like to see the Registry better integrated with the forums (for example: click a person's user name and you can view their car profile). SZ02 is referred to as a "coming meet" and you can still pay $45 to register for it. The neceg.org site of 2003 isn't even mentioned (even though it's gone now) -- rather, a dead link to a really old NECEG Geocities site exists. Most links are dead or outdated like this. The entire main site needs an overhaul.
  • search, search, search! Current faults: the defaults are set to "search by phrase" and "within the last week." Far too many newbies (and some veterans) say they've searched but didn't find anything -- and I'll be willing to bet it's because they didn't change these settings. It's not something an average person looks at when searching. Secondly, I'd like to see search all forums back online (it's been what, three years now and no visible efforts made to fix this?), or at the very least, search by forum region (General, Modifications, Branches).
  • Classifieds forum. Something easily managed, particularly if the "report to moderator" button could be used on them when posts go awry.
  • More site admins. People who maintain the main site, approve profiles, oversee / able to moderate all forums, things like that. I've no doubt that several of the moderators deserve to be admins.

I'll likely think of more later.