Originally posted by foldthecorners:

I read something up there about the refs and their role in the game? The Steelers overcame a few bad calls in the Colts' game and were STILL able to win the game. That's what good teams do.. When something on the field doesn't go their way, they should still be able suck it up, keep their composure and try to make a big play to make up for it. Besides that, Everything that I saw the refs call, I saw happen on the field.

You are as blind as they are. It was not a few calls, it was MANY calls including ball calls on the Rothlisburger TD, the two TDs that Darrell Jackson should have had and so on.

That is a 21 point difference in points. Not to mention the non-hold our O-lineman was called for that brought back a reception on the Stealer's 1, Matt hasselbeck being called for an ILLEGAL BLOCK when he was MAKING A TACKLE, and the list goes on and on.

The Steelers are not Superbowl champs.

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