Well.. after reading some of the posts up there from the ones that seem to not know football at all I decided I'd bring up some points about the reactions..

First of all, to that Bengals fan.. Palmer is one man. A team does not rely on one man to win football games.

..One guy said something about the bus not having a good game and should have done more.. Yeah, sure it would have been nice if he had a TD or maybe a few more yards. But, the Steelers game plan was to WIN the game.. not to try and get Bettis the MVP or juice up his stats. The Seahawks did a good job of holding Bettis back, so the steelers took him out and went with Parker who was able to come up with that 75 yarder. In a game like that, it's about winning the game and doing what works as opposed to letting one man get the spotlight.

I read something up there about the refs and their role in the game? The Steelers overcame a few bad calls in the Colts' game and were STILL able to win the game. That's what good teams do.. When something on the field doesn't go their way, they should still be able suck it up, keep their composure and try to make a big play to make up for it. Besides that, Everything that I saw the refs call, I saw happen on the field.

If you watched the Steelers in the playoffs, you'd have seen maybe a bit more clearly that they are very much deserving of the ultimate prize and they worked their asses off to get it.

What a great season. Go Steelers.