"..... He wrote it with a good heart.. with the intention of helping his fellow enthusiasts... ...."
Maybe .. but why put more effort into it to make it harder for someone to read it. Do you really think it is easier to put caps in front of every word? If it was not done with the intention of making it harder for others to read (those who really need the help), then what are the intentions?

For those of us who don't need the how-to, we will just not use it. For those who need it, I can imagine the cussing and what nots on their mouths when they have the pump halfway out and then have to refer to the how-to and then stressing out trying to read it. Of course, this is immaterial now (thanks to muntus).

"I don't see those readers writing this up, or even investing the energy to make it fit "THEIR" guidlines.. All I see is a bunch of whining."
I don't agree. Some have done some write-ups/how-tos.

"Always do the cheap and easy ones first." 1996 V6 ATX 96K miles