Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by todras:
And how mnay CEGers attend those? 1?

That was my point, though I tried being a little more tactful.


Actually, there were at least 4 CEG'ers at the Autobahn event last year even with SZ going on.

SVTFern (the wonderful instructor)
and me, SoundQ SVT

There was also another instructor there with a t-red CSVT whose name I wasn't able to catch but I don't think he was on CEG either.

Bob Johann SoundQ SVT 1998 T-Red SVT Contour #3088 2001 IASCA Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 SLAP Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 MECA SQL Master Class Champion 2003 IASCA StreetX 1-600 Champion 2005 SLAP Expert Street Champion