Originally posted by MxRacer:
Originally posted by LocoGSR:
Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by LocoGSR:
Hey Jim.....if you need another gauge pod I have mine out of my Tour.....not new but looks like it.

BTW it is black.

Let me know.

Up to you Hector. We are accepting donations from anybody willing to provide something for the event. Your name will be added to the list of sponsors if you decide to.


That is cool.....let me know where to send it.

send to:

spring zing
attn: mxracer
1245 steedas mom's bedroom
gladwin, mi 48325


Team Evo Staz: You know why they call it Skunkworks? Everyone: Why? Staz: Because everything that comes out of it stinks!!! Steeda-I hate you stazi