"I was under the impression that to get an accurate reading from the speed detectors, the officers could not be moving."
Not true. The radar detectors can take that into account.

"Also, he did not write on the ticket how fast I was going. It just says I "exceeded max speed limit of 55MPH"
Caught a break there.

"This is my first ticket of any sort. Anyone know if there's anything I can do? I don't mind paying the fine (I don't even know what it is yet), I just don't want my insurance rates to go up."
You may want to see if you can attend a driving program or plead guilty with a prayer for judgement and pay an administrative fine. You need to check if CA has something like that. Maybe post in the CA forum and see what replies you get.

"Always do the cheap and easy ones first." 1996 V6 ATX 96K miles