Originally posted by Kokopellian:
Originally posted by Woodencross:
Originally posted by Kokopellian:
Just know this, it will be FAST!

Eh, you've done fast. I think you should go SLOOOOOWWWWW!

Did I mention I have a FORD RANGER for sale? NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK!!!!

Do I get to drive it? That's all I care about!!

Yeah, but you can never have too much fast! Besides, my last couple cars were quick, not fast. I haven't had fast since my 1991 & 1993 5.0's. I need to get back to basics.

Ford Ranger? Unless it's S/C'd then I'm gonna have to pass. Besides, you trying to turn me into a full fledged Texan?

And whatever I get, you'll get a turn at the wheel, promise.


And by the way, compared to what I've been driving, your last couple of cars WERE VERY FAST!!!

www.geocities.com/jesusfr7282000 Biblical principles work, there are no exceptions. 99 Suburban 03 Silverado 70 Skylark 79 Electra