I know you've already got this thing out Pole, & I know i''m late to the discussion, but i've done this 7 or 8 times b/n the 3 tours i've got, all through the bottom. I'm going to add my opinion for the sticky, for the record i've never tried it from the top & probably never will, seems like too much work. BTW I've got 2 CSVT's both EO's both had the 2nd eyelet, my 98 SE doesn't.

When I pull one I drop the radiator just to be safe, remove the strut tower nuts , remove battery box for room to maneuver, pull power steering resevoir off of firewall and tie to engine, fuel lines, throttle cables, various wires, drop exhaust, break mounts & subframe bolts lower struts & all. Then you drag it from under the car & work on the whole assembly where you have room. Sounds alot simpler to me. Of course, you have to bleed your brakes when you put it back together, but thats the only real diff. Remove bolts from front & rear roll restictors & lift engine & trans up slightly & pop axles out, careful not to overextend your axles, 18 degrees I think. I did all of this w/ 2 sets of jackstands, one set is homemade so they're taller, 1 regular floor jack, 1 cherry picker. I can have everything dropped out of this thing in less than 2 hours this way. 1st time I did it it took 6! If i get up to my dads shop I'll take pics of my SE, Its torn down like this right now. I'm not going to say my way is better, but to me it seems easier, & since my tours are falling apart I get alot of practice this way!

I don't "mod" I just fix what breaks! 98 CSVT #2527 T-Red (Limping) 98 CSVT #2228 T-Red (Donor) 98 SE Sport ATX V6 (Running again) If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me!