Originally posted by The EX- Striped SVT:
Most CSVT's have a CAI now, don't they

Now for the second part, YES!, I agree and as a matter of fact, Hector and I both agreed that (5) cars was "crushing" someone, amazing that we agree

Then you had to go an ruin it with the decal comment , but thats ok, except for the "being generous" comment. I'm not sure if its the fact you think I don't know how to drive and/or the fact I haven't been down the track yet, but either way, we'll find out before SZ06' though. I'm picking Rawburt to race and we'll do that race at Ubly, somewhere he can go seeing he's not to far away from there So how about it Rawburt, is your car ready to represent the CEG against the Crossfire BTW, anyone else that wants to go and doesn't mind the drive, let us know because as soon as they open, weather permitting, ITS ON!!!

Congrats, My car has a stock intake soo let me know if thats CAI to you.

Ok since you say 5 lengths is crushing i don't have much more to say then.