Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by MxRacer:
Originally posted by Arhethia:

I was kidding,i have met most in our Michigan area.

You don't have to explain your self to anyone. You don't even have to come across as anybody to prove them wrong.

I think ur a stand up guy. Based off of your opinions of the lions.

rog is a great guy! these losers are just pushing his buttons (and doing a good job of it!)

Too bad he's on crack if he thinks headers do nothing for our cars. Hmmm, mystery mod? Got turbulence? N/A, headers are the only way to go.

This thread sucks. I'm ready for Spring Zing to get here, so we can end this controversy and bickering. You sound like a bunch of 60 year old women, b!tching over a game of bridge!


I would like 1 suger cube with my tea please.

I reject your reality and substitute my own.