Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
Originally posted by Y2KSVT:

Originally posted by LocoGSR:

Originally posted by 5V7 Dr1v3r627:

Originally posted by LocoGSR: I am going to the drag strip this time....who wants to LOSE?


Actually, there's a small chance that my car will be ready to show an EVO whatsup at the dragstrip. Depends on a few things between now and May 20th.


Let me do the math:

Fastest Contour is 13.4? Stock Evo's with grandma launch run 13.9.....my car isn't stock and I can launch my car......

Yeah, because hector wasn't the first one to bring up this!

My beef is simply this...Hector hasn't been to the track with his EVO yet he assumes because of said mods it automatically equals 12's. I've been to the track with my buddy's MR and he ran 13.8s all night long. That also being said how many turbo/blown contours are there as opposed to EVO's? For the past two years at SZ the drag has never happened. So certain people have no seen what their cars can do. I went to the track 2 years ago and couldn't pull better than a 2.4 60'...was I affraid of breaking something yes...was it my first time at the track...yes. Have I gone since...nope. Look at it this way...3-4 contours have run mid to low 13's. There are 5-7 turbo/blown contours PERIOD. You guys have a much larger pool of vehicles to project your potential 1/4 mile. What you all seem to be missing is that when I stated the trap speed argument my point was that with practice (that I certaintly won't get) I can get my 1/4 mile time down. I go to the drag strip very rarely and if I'm trapping 96 mph with another 2.4 60'...give me a flippin break. This is racing and racing takes practice...whatever you THINK you are gonna run...throw some more time onto it.

Then STFU and let someone who has been to the track in that vehicle type numerous times drive it. Otherwise, you are just ing about getting beat because you suck.

Ryan Trollin!