ok enough sucking up back to business

i need a VIN "S" motor out of a Taurus/Sable/Escape...right?
what is the earliest year engine i can use? '98? in that area? im getting the engine from a junkyard and i dont think i will be able to get a later model engine...this may be a deciding factor.

Big Major Question...This is the whole reason i want to do this...my engine right now has a leaking front cover. it is apparently leaking onto the alternator and frying them left and right and ford wants 1,000+ to fix it.(haha who do they think i am...some dumb kid? no pun intended)

I figured the 3.0L would be just an all round better engine(reliability, power, fuel economy...im only getting 20mpg strange thing is no matter how i drive the car it still gets 20mpg...anyway) i am hoping though that the cost will be manageable, which leads me to my next big question...

please anyone who HAS completed this project chime in.

What is the approximate price to get all this done? the engine should cost around $200+parts

how much has it costed you guys?(approx. round if necessary)

thank you so much ill be checking back frequently