Originally posted by elraido:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
Originally posted by elraido:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
read more books

has nothing to with being able to spell....

Bullsh!t it doesn't!

Do you seriously think that? So the way to practice to be a better speller is to read? Hmmmmmm. Ever stop to think that people learn things differently then other? I read more than enough, always have, but I still can't spell worth crap. You can paint like Di Vincci just because you saw his paintings? Don't think so.

And it wasn't the dog breaders, it was a cat breaders....geez.

Ya know I really wasn't gonna rip into you...but
you are officially the dumbest person on this board!

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!