Originally posted by Kokopellian:
I bought up racism in my post by calling out a name that offends people of a certain ethnic group. I'm choosing to drop it because I started the topic and you're not debating it intelligently enough for me to continue educating you. Also, by implying that I'm "complaining" about injustices that I think are racist shows you have no concern nor can even fathom the issue. Couple that with the fact that your best debate tactic is to result in calling me and yourself a tool and you can see why this is well over your head. Therefore, you don't get to play. Now go off and ignore me. The time alone might do you some good. Don't hurt yourself.

Wow, very intelligent response to my follow up. I am very impressed with your general knowledge of....things. I assumed you were of lower intelligence, like myself, but I was wrong. Thank you for letting me know of your intelligence.

I respect that you feel the name of the NFL franchise in Washington DC is of racist orgin, however, I originally responded to your original proclamation in the same basic tone of your post.

What has happened to the american indian in this country is terrible and criminal, but it happened a long time ago. Nothing you or I or anyone else really have anything to do with what happened in history past, but we can help to change how things are done in the present to ensure and safeguard all citizens of this country in the future. On the list of priorities to better the atrocities against the native americans of this country, simply changing the name of a sports team offers very little to making their lives better.

If I am a native american in this country and I can't get a decent job, pay my bills, etc., do you really think changing the name of a football team is going to make me feel any better? Probably not.

Let me ask you this question. If the Washington Redskins were owned by an american indian, would the name still be racist, or is this another example of since Dan Snyder is White, it is offensive.

Out of curiosity, how many native americans do you know personally that find the name Redskins-specific to the Washington Redskins and not the 'phrase' redskins, truly offensive. Is it 1, 5, 100 native americans, or do you assume they are really offended because you read it somewhere, or heard it on the 'news'. Either way, I'm just curious as to the source of your view of the name being racist. I know only one native american, well actually a few, and none of them care at all. Does this make me right or wrong? Neither, it is an opinoin and it is difficult to debate opinoins.

Awaiting your response-

E0 SVT Kids, yeah, I have kids. How many do you want?