Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by Big Jim:

Although I have heard rumors that Ford switched back and forth, or mixed a few early style one back in after the switch, I have never been able to pin it down, and I believe that they did not.

I would guess they would use whatever they had in there parts bin. I Bet they switched, and then they found a case of old ones lying around, So they used those.

It's very possible thats exactly what happened. I used to work for a company that made and supplied Ford with many misc parts including the 2.5 Timing cover and cam covers, as well as the 3.0 Timing cover and cam covers. We sometimes had parts that were cast 6-12 months before we actually machined them, and others that were machined and sat in some dark corner of the plant for a long time. So to say that Ford recieved an excess amount at one time, then stumbled back upon them months or ever a year later and used them...is not as unlikely as it seems.

2000 Contour SVT SF - #542 of 2150