
A couple weeks ago I was driving north on Hwy 1 - on my way home from a long day of clinic. It's raining cats and dogs. As I round a blind corner I see a football sized rock in the road. I think "I can't clear it. " and then "No oncoming traffic...SWERVE!"

I still nailed the rock. Fortunately, I bent the bejesus out of my wheel and lost the lame ass hubcap. Oh wait...that part sucked. The fortunate part (and amazing part) was that the tire didn't go flat for about 13 miles. I was amazed that I didn't blow the tire out. By the time I started feeling a little shimmy (knowing damn well my tire was going flat), I was off of the 2 lane, curvy, rain-soaked highway on a cliff and had plenty of time to pull over on a nice flat and relatively dry parking lot.

A local Scion guy gave be a steelie + tire. I found a matching hubcap on ebay for 9.99.

I would have used it for the perfect opportunity to get some new wheels, but I just don't have the cash. Don't think for one moment that I'm keeping these steelies on when I get a job.

Oh, my rotation here in Big Sur is going great, btw.

Derek Scion xB 5-spd Previous: 2000 Silver Frost SVT Please share the road with cyclists.