Originally posted by Swazo:
If you like the yellow on it, you can always take a sample of it to get it matched perfectly. Then you can also pick up some light metallic, mica or pearl to add into the base coat (like what was done to my SVT...) and get a killer clear coat, cut-n-buff it and it will look really, really good

As long as you add the "happy medium" amount, you can get away without sraying the door jams, etc. (How do they look, can they be buffed out to look really good too?)

The door jams look good as does the underhood area and under the hatch. It appears that when it was repainted, they just taped off the trim (poorly) and squirted it.

The thought has been running through my head, but I am still thinking about it. Right now it appears that it was a single stage paintjob so a good cleanup and some clear would make it shine.

Originally posted by stilov:
How much you gonna sell the 96 for? With the manual I presume? I may be looking for one in the near future.

You have a PM.

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