Originally posted by pole120:
Originally posted by MaddMike2:

The SVT should be unpainted Alum.


Plaine and simple. NO CONTOUR SVT OR NOT MADE BEOFORE Late 99\2000 has the AL mount . They revised the front to Al at the same time. VERY rarely to i see an aluminum mount pass through my hands.

As far as the "waiting for turn around" that's what core exchanges are for , i would have had a set of mounts on your door step in 2 days(pays to pm me or check the thread on core availability).

Weights are as follows for those that care:

steel rear poly filled 5 lbs
aluminum rear poly filled 3 lbs

steel front poly filled 3.5 lbs
aluminum front poly filled 2.5 lbs

Seriously, there is a ton of information i have gathered over the last year, if you have a question or something pm me or post in the roll resistor thread. I don't car what your Ford dealer has to say, they're full of sh!t.

Look I did not know about your service till after I had all ready payed for the other mounts. I have no idea what you have seen or what you have not seen.

What I do know is what Ford and Bat have listed and what I recieved in the boxes with the Ford part numbers on them.

The Front mount:
Ford part#F8RZ.6038.EA is the SVT Alum. mount.
Ford part#F8RZ.6038.BA is the regular Steel mount.

The Rear mount:
Ford part#F8RZ.6068.BA is the SVT Alum. mount
Ford part#F7RZ.6068.BA is the regular Steel mount.

This is the listing for 98.5 and up SVT. I have no idea what Ford has done in the past and I do not really care, all that matters is what I can get when I go to the parts counter and order a part.

We all know about mid run changes and production variations. I have no idea how many of the Alum. mounts were used on SVT's. The number of SVT's produced vice the number of normal Contour's produced would be an indicater of how many Alum. vice Steel mounts you would incounter during rebuilding them. I'm sure you have seen more steel, the production number difference would dictate that happening.

All I was doing was passing on information so that we would all be more informed. If you disagree with Ford's information that is fine it's a free country.

98 Tropic Green Contour 2.5 MTX