Originally posted by gilroynewball:

Trying to make lemonade with the only lemon I have.

dude, if youre a private citizen and a pilot (ie non-military) AND youre planning on building a kit plane, youve obviously got some money. why on earth are you driving a contour and then complaining about it?? why dont you go buy a nice 3 series or something? hell, if i was a pilot, i wouldnt want to be seen rolling up to airport in a contour. no offense meant, but obviously you dont care for the car so why not get something else?

btw, when you finally do get your kit plane going, dont let the rich boys with "real airplanes" hassle you too much

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.