Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by gilroynewball:
I was just planning on cutting out a good chink of hood off

I find this offensive.

And I never knew there was a difference between pilots and "normal people". Warmonger is a real pilot, guess he can't get along with us normal people anymore.

Whoa, I wrote THAT? I meant CHUNK.

qwertyUIop, see. The U is next to the I. Sorry. That was the LAST thing I would have intended to write.

And I'm not a car person. Thus, I'm not normal to you guys.

Anyhoo, it's a dead issue. I was only wondering if anyone had done it before, and what I would expect if I did it. I really doubt I'd do it anyway. I was just curious.

Damn, just asking a question is enough to ruffle peoples' feathers! Why is everyone so touchy? Is it because I am breathing? Send an HGU-4/P helmet and I'll breathe my own air if you want. I was just asking a friggin question.

Is my car for sale? PM me if you're in South FL.
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Haha that's awesome! Go GM!

YES, SIR!!! General Aviation is Looking good right now...http://www.beapilot.com