youll see how it works if you get under the car and line them up. if they were any wider, they wouldnt fit right and would probably be impossible to weld on. and theyd add muuch more weight. the difference an inch makes is a lot! i see how you guys would think that they look wider from my pics though.

ps the weather here sucked arse all weekend. it rained on saturday and yesterday/today have been windy as hell., the next batch will probably go out later this week. i have 8 sets cut up and ready to go, just need welding. wind and weld dont go together. and yeah, we're doing this outside.

fortunately, i have 8 ready to go and exactly 8 more people have paid up in full. so itll be forthcoming i kinda feel bad like its lagging/taking forever, then i look back at some of the other GBs and i kinda feel like we've been kinda kickin arse

ps installation instructions will be forthcoming. hopefully theyll be emailed to each of you tonight. theyll include the pics i posted so you can print them out for your installer if you want/need to. i just need to do the final edit of the instructions.


Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.