So this is getting ahead of myself but I wanted some feedback on the idea I just had. What if some lighting I had in the car(under the dash,door handles, cup holders, etc, I dont have any but what if...) shifted colors after a certain RPM?

For instance I was planning on having some soothing blueish-green LED's in my door handles to match my indiglo gauges. That's nice for calm driving, but what if the lighting shifted to red or something at higher rpm's?

I guess it just sounds like a complicated shift light of sorts. I was thinking more along the "mood lighting" aspect. High rev's = extreme driving = red lighting

Obviously that's more of a marketing slogan to 17 year old ricers, but you get what im saying...

I'm just trying to think of more things to have my microcontroller do. I'm also planning on mounting it where the clock should be ala mondeo:

Last edited by hotdimmes; 12/11/05 07:11 AM.