well, here's my story. Tuesday afternoon my wife calls me at work. She tells me that her car was stolen while she was getting the kids ready to go shopping. She had left the keys in it while it was warming up. She saw the guy drive off our drive way and drive off. Since I'm a blue collar worker I was really pissed. Here we didn't get full coverage on our 1996 Ford SHO to save a Little money for Xmas. Its really a nice car but our insurance company said it wasn't worth the policy. Now someone just drove off in it. On my way home..guess what I see. My car passing me by with someone else driving it. I don't know if it cause of all the Charles Bronson/Chuck Norris movies i've seen or what but I pull a "U" turn. I get right next to him. He looked really startled. I inched closer...here I'm thinking how I'm going to do this causing the most minimal damage to both cars. Don't have full coverage on the other one either. Just then I saw him look forward. I knew he was thinking about gunning it. Checking traffic and such. So used my car and cut him off before speeds got dangerous. he throws it into park jumps outs and starts to run. I catch him and proceeded to "physically" inform him not to steal my wife's car again. If you know what i mean. After that I held him down til Police came. Need less to say they loved it. Once they came they took him away in an ambulance. I was told he had done it before and got away from them smashing the car he was driving a few weeks ago. He's now in jail where he belongs. Both cars have minimal damage. I'm just happy I got it back. Lucky I had already put the CSVT away for the winter...would have really hated stopping the SHO with it. Well, that's my story.

Last edited by dukeofsho; 11/29/05 03:10 AM.

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