Originally posted by JEDsContour:
Originally posted by warmonger:
Originally posted by JEDsContour:

From my experience I canâ??t think of any good reason not to give the name of this company you sold â??? in fact the exact opposite is true, plenty of good reasons to talk about it, but Iâ??m not going to pursue it.

Other than the fact that it is none of OUR business you mean?

I don't think it is right that we pick people apart only because of their age and claims. I'm not even going to think about it anymore because he only said...I have lot of money. Although you are speaking polite, your suspicion shows through and in the end it looks less than polite to dig into it.
It also isn't worth it because it makes us look like haters if we worry about someone elses wealth...alleged or otherwise.

It's like religion and politics...than have no place in any discussion outside religion and politics.

Maybe so Warmonger, maybe so. On the other hand, CEG is a community and individual credibility is a vital part of that.

This young man did offer a whole lot more details about himself than just what was in the title to his post â??? without any particular prompting. Borderline bragging.

Wellâ?¦ tall claims require solid proof - upon demand.

As it happens, Ryan handled himself well here and when compelled did provide sufficient verification of his claims to satisfy me at least. I think he has acquired a level of personal credibility here that he would not have had if I hadnâ??t pushed him a little.

I mean honestly, whom else reading this post was not thinking the exact same thing I was? Drawing him out a little was more a useful exercise for him than for anyone else.

I think he probably learned a little bit about how (and how not) to present his remarkably good fortunes to others. An easy lesson in a safe forum â??? no downside to it really.

Warmonger, itâ??s hard for me to see â??haters worrying about some elseâ??s wealthâ? in anything that was posted here, but thatâ??s just me.

I know that a lot of what happened here was prompted by my initial post...which I wish I could change at this point. The simple fact was, I was very excited when I got off the phone and onto the boards, and I was looking forward to planning out the mods to my vehicle..and I was trying to excite others; I just did it in a way that came off as arrogant to some.

Having said that, I agree with both of you partially. In order to lend credibility to what I was saying, Jed needed a little verifiable substance. On the other hand it was not really anyones business. What it boils down to for me is this: I am proud of my accomplishments, and on the same hand I know they are not mine alone. As I said before, I give it to god, I was not alone in being led to where I am today, and by that criteria, my success is not mine to keep private. With that thought in mind, I decided to share the address of some web design work I have done, because I was asked to, and although the request was somewhat provacative; I understood why it was and detected no malice.

In addition to all of that, I appreciate people who can conversate with me in an adult and intelligent manner instead of just mudslinging, and in that kind of a forum I have no problem being open. I'm a very open person...it has been said to me my whole life that there isn't a stranger to me in the world

Having said all that, I appreciate everyones input and obvious interest in my situation. Like I said in my post originally..thanks in advance for your time

Ryan '98 T-red CSVT Spec Stage 1 Clutch, Drop in filter. Got an open spot in the stable, Warmonger knows what is going to end up there...