looks i may be out now

AYSO decides to tell us today that soccer trophies will be given out on Dec 17th. along with bbq and kids vs. parents game (or something like that). my wife has to work that day so ill have to go. not that id really want to miss my princess' 1st AYSO team's trophy day.

i dont know exactly what time this will all take place at. supposedly at 11am. so i may be able to get her trophy and meet up with everyone at Decker. ill probably have more info this weekend.

sux, sorry guys.

on a brighter note, my buddy recruited about five guys from the GTP group. there may actually be anywhere from 10-15 racers...i mean cruisers.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.