Just an update on this, my car is STILL not running!

After installing a kill switch on the ignition relay, the locksmith was still unable to re-program the keys. Apparently the computer that they use plugs into the OBD II port. He was unable to get his programmer to even connect to the car.

Sooo... I decided, screw it and had it towed to the local auto electrical shop that comes highly recommended by all the local guys. After taking a look at my car and hearing all about the issues that I had at the dealer, they tell me that there is nothing they can do with my car. They say that until the PATS is re-programmed by the dealer they can not begin to diagnose the ignition problem (which the dealer said could not be done until the ignition issue is resolved ). So now I am stuck...

My car will not start and I'm assuming will not turn off once started... About ready to start throwing lawn darts at unsuspecting auto workers...

1999 Blk/Tan CSVT #654 - SOLD 2003 Suzuki SV650s