Last spring ER, an autocross group in central FL, tested the Falken Azeni against the (then new) Hankooks where we run & altho' I didn't make it, I'm told that the Hankooks were better. This was on a 1 mile autocross course on dry pavement, which probaly was pretty fast. (Our course desinger often ends up with courses where the best times are in the mid-60s for a mile). I suspect the Hankooks do no better than Azenis in wet/snowy/icy/etc conditions.

My All-FL-weather tires are Falken GRB-451s and they are GREAT in the rain. (Of course, I've no idea how they are in snow, and since I haven't driven in snow for a dozen years, I DO NOT want to find out.)

No-one's interested in driving instead of shopping the day after Thanksgiving???

Accuweather's 15 day forecast is saying NOV 22nd, 23rd will be highs in the low 60s & lows in the upper 30s... Dragon should be fine during daylight hours at those temps, and I'm looking at just 3 days after that.

'99 Cougar V6 MTX CougarDB pics