Originally posted by BrApple:
Originally posted by CSVT1214:
Originally posted by BrApple:

oh yeah almost forgot I got myself a gps receiver and the latest copy of microsoft street and trips

I'm working on doing that too. I just found a laptop at work that I can take.

two ways, you can go to best buy and get microsoft trips and streets with a gps receiver for like 100 to 130

go to ebay and look up gps4everyone and you can get the received I got bundled with Trips and streets, wish I had known this ahead of time ...

or get the received on ebay with same seller, got mine for $60 shipped and get what ever software you like that is NWEA 2.0 complient, most are

but I will say the Microsoft software is great, get directions on the fly based on where you are located by gps, driving directions, voice prompts, night view mode of the map, dynamics viewing with auto zoom, create a gps trail, etc

Sick! That a awesome price compared to buying an actual car GPS setup. I can't wait to get this laptop all set. It was dead when I found it, but I fixed it no problem. I just need a AC adaptor and battery for it. Battery is toast and AC adaptor is being borrowed from another PC. Other than that it works great. Already reinstalled XP, added a wireless card and I love it.

Apparently a teacher gave it to my boss before I started working there because she said it was dead. She said fix it if you can, if not just keep it, I don't care. So almost a year later I fixed it and told him. He said great, you can use it for yourself around the school or do w/e you want with it. So tomorrow I'm going to ask if I buy a battery and AC adaptor if I can just keep it for myself.

Funny how you mentioned about the GPS because I was just thinking to myself about setting that up before I even saw your post.

Anyways, back on topic.

Tony 1998 SVT Contour (B/MB) #542 3L 1998 SVT Contour (SF/MB) #1266 parts car 2000 SVT Contour (SF/MB) #1533 3L swap to begin!