Since I was being lazy as I am I still haven't called but by the looks of it I'm going to ask for the weekend of the 26th off. Spacemonkey, if you want to ask your friend if he would like to go, that'd be great. Let me know so I can pm you my cell number if all goes well.

BTW, here is my most recent clean picture of my X that I have. I still say not bad for $800. The next thing I'll do is probably a 3" body lift. Hehe, it damn near qualified for Jeff Foxworthy's redneck joke "If the tires on your truck cost more than your truck, you might be a redneck"

Alex 00 T-Red/Tan SVTC #1964/2150 167 HP @6800 153 TQ @3000 Sold- 98 'Tour SE 24V 5-spd 149 HP @5900 148 LB FT @4300