Originally posted by posthuman63t:
Do you know how much it will be yet? 100 and I'm most likely in. 150, i'll have to think about it.

Also...If you have an extra bezel and complete it, then take the 1st order, and when the stock one arrives you send out the modified one, we will only be without it for the shipping to and from, and wont have to wait for the production. I dont know if thats what you meant by your previous comment or not. Not a bad thing to do though...

150.00 was the highest estimate that I came up with. I have been able to get a few of the supplies cheaper so I would have to say no higher that 125.00

As for shipping you will not have to wait for production. Once I have one completed I will inform the buyer of it being ready. Although there will be a 7 day waiting period if someone pays by check.

I do have an extra bezel right now so I will go out and get the supplies tomorrow and hopefully start working on it A.S.A.P.

Anymore questions anyone has feel free to ask.

Last edited by dpa43; 11/01/05 05:05 AM.

Originally posted by Davo:
Good work, Dave. You're definitely the #1 interior guy around these parts; always innovating.

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