Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by Big Jim:
Maybe we need an additional forum or two or three.

"Idiotic Ricer Mods"

"I don't want to search, but will you help me anyway"

"Newby Bash"

The moderators can move the post right over when they find a post or thread that fits.

In defense of those that can't seem to find help with a search, our search engine does sometimes seem to be a bit hard to use. I have not been able to find things on a search until I went back and reviewed earlier posts. This is not a complaint, but just a statement of fact. Overall this is an excellent community and I'm greatful for those that make it possible.

This is true...terminology and the way that the search function returns results can make finding some info a little tricky. This isn't to excuse the lazy, but I'm a longtime poster and I still can have trouble finding the info I need.

But I *love* the idea of an "Don't Wanna Search" forum that mods can kick threads to.

i posted in dont wanna search but nobudy responded so im postin heari nsted sup witta tornado is it good or not help me outhere i need th info soon cuz thers one on sale if its real deal i need to grab it b4 its gone hooka brother up yo

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998