Well i was in the market for a newer car, at the time i had a modded 94 Toyota Camry. I wanted my next vehicle to have the following options, leather, sunroof, v6, manual transmission and four doors. It came down to a hand full of cars, it was basically between a maxima and a contour. I found a dealership with both a contour and a max. Went and test drove both, but the max drove like sh@t. I loved the way the tour handled and it had decent accerlation and all the features i wanted except leather and a sunroof. I picked up my 97 SE MTX in 2002. Drove it daily for two years and fell in love with contours and knew i would have to have an SVT someday. Looked around after two years and found one local, went out and test drove it and took it home.

The End.

#3162 of 6535 98 SVT Silver frost Viper Responder 791 w/ 2way remote start Let the modding begin!