A friend of mine in orange county California had one. He let me drive it one time when we went to lunch. Needless to say it was love at first drive. He had it lowered with a few simple mods but the very next day I was out shopping for one. When I found two at my local dealership, I had the chance to buy one and I took it. I was debating whether or not to wait for the svt focus or a type r intgra but the csvt won hands down. The only sad part ot my story is that the day I was to go in and sign the papers, the choice between two was narrowed down to one. When I asked if the silver one had been sold they sadly replied "no, when the porter was moving to the back to get it washed, he backed it into a pole a damaged the rear." They asked if I wanted to wait a few weeks to have it repaired and they would take a few hundred off, but I said nope I'll take the black one. It's been love ever since.

2000 black CSVT 2125 of 2150