On a Cougar, what you can use depends on whether it's ATX or MTX.

You need the SVT TB & TB bracket, then either a throttle cable (if it's MTX) or cruise control cable (if it's ATX). Cougar ATX throttle cable is the same as Contour SVT throttle cable.

That's from memory, and I think I'm right but unfortunately I can't double check it since FastCougar.com (soon to be NewCougar.org) is still down for the site changeover.

No idea on the ability to use the 3L part.

Mark 2001 Laser Red Cougar V6 ATX CougarFest 2006 1st (tie) Best Paint / 2nd Cleanest Car CougarFest 2005 Best Stock 1998 Contour V6 ATX 1993 Tempo I4 ATX