Originally posted by Auto-X Fil:
Your point was that it was dangerous to run mixed pads. I showed you very clearly that this combination was fine.

You steered it to being *fine* on the street...that was never my point, young lion.


The HPS/HP+ combination might not be good on the track because the HPS would fade more



Also, he's not on the track.

Strike all of your previous thoughts on this thread, because Kremit will be *on the track*, as usual...yes?


HPS will have less torque and tend to fade more than HP+



but they are still better than junk bads that go greasy after a few hard stops. I highly doubt they will fade noticeably at even the most brake-intensive autocrss.

I'd never take the chance. As I've stated before on this thread, I'd buy all HPS or all HP+, depending on the need. Seeing that Kremit does go *on the track* and doesn't just park his car in the lot when he gets there, I'd have gone with all HP+


So why are you insisting on getting in the last word?

You jumped on me and tried to pretend that my original concern was for Kremit's *street* days instead of his *track* days.


This thread started with a question about noise, which was resolved by info from experts in both braking and autocross. A good question, and some solid facts: HP+ make noise. Don't worry.

But you ask if it's okay to run pads like this.

No, not pads like this [HP+], pads like that [HPS] on the track.


Kremit explains that he knows what he's doing, and it's okay.

No, look again. He based his decision on cutting corners with the cost, not based on what will work best together on the track.


But you have to tell him and Jim they are wrong. Why?

Wrong, Jim said factory mix compounds so it's okay. I said factory mixes semi-met w/ ceramics and organics, not semi-mets w/ "Autocross & Track" pads.


Is it because your mad t!te drilled and slotted rotors are so hawt that you are the brake masta? Or because you Unlocked the Power?

Champ, I noticed that your SE hits the parking lot with stock rotors.


So I set you straight.

No, you based your hissy on the hopes that Kremit's HPS/HP+ would work well in cold conditions on the street...that was never my point.


You aren't satisfied, because your immature little brain can't handle the fact that I'm telling you factual information, not marketing crap. You take my post and quote it, with a little comment after each quote, like that somehow PROVES that you're right.

If HAWK wanted their HPS pads on the autocross/track WHY the need for them to develope their HP+ autocross/track pads for the autocross/track?


Well now people are going to come here and read through all this crap before they realize that it's okay to run HP+ and HPS pads.

Unless they read:

"The HPS/HP+ combination might not be good on the track because the HPS would fade more" --Auto-X Fil


They'll probably start another thread and ask again because you had to act like you know what you were talking about and mindlessly bash your head against the keyboard, resulting in the inane drivel I see before me.

You're the one that's tripping all over your previous statements, not I.


This site is not about one-upmanship or petty know-it-alls. The fact is, there is no problem at all with running these pads. You are backpedaling and looking for loopholes in what I said, just to save face, so that your pathetic little ego can get a boost.

You're the one that defends Kremit's setup for the street and then turn right around and agree with me that it's not that good of a choice for the track, due to the risk of fade with the HPS.


Well I said it before, but maybe you didn't get it: You don't know jack about brakes. Suggesting that he use drilled rotors in the rear, for autocross, put the lid on that one.

Parking lot king, you missed the point that I was making about your statement for Kremit's HPS pads not being able to handle the heat. You expected me to say slotted so Kremit's street pads would heat up that much faster, and stay heated, for when he takes his Contour to the track?


That is the worst tech I've ever seen passed off here. It's absolute rubbish. So how about you let the facts stand, so that people can learn the truth about brake pads. Go ask someone for a hug if you need a self-esteem boost that badly. You don't belong in the brake section of an online car forum if you're looking for Prozac.

You're letting your emotions get the best of you, warrior.

You're just making excuses and getting too upset over my original concern, which you've already confirmed, whether you're stable enough to catch it or not.

You said that the HP+/HPS setup might experience problems on the track, where Kremit will be. I knew that he'd be there...that's why I originally came out with the jaw-dropping notion that all HPS or all HP+ just might work best together, depending on the needs of the driver.

If you're cutting corners somewhere, don't expect the same results as somebody that doesn't cut those same corners.

"The HPS/HP+ combination might not be good on the track because the HPS would fade more" --Auto-X Fil

'nuff said