Originally posted by STRYPED BS:
I wouldn't consdidered an aditional battery..upgrading teh (insert battery name here) for a red top or yellow top optima would be helpful! Also, a cap is a cap, really. FInd the cheapest 1.0-1.5 farad digital cap and get it. I picked up a lightning audio one for 35.00 shipped BRAND NEW off ebay.) You'll pay 120 bucks for a monster audio cap from best buy, DON'T DO IT!! A cap is just an external power storage device, brand names don't make it any difrent.

A cap is not a cap. Caps range from sucking tremendously to having a miniscule amount of usefulness. When buying caps, look for the lowest ESL and ESR you can find, or better yet, spend your money on something more useful like a battery (if yours is bad) or potentially an alternator (go to Autozone and have it tested).

I do agree that you should avoid Monster products in any scenario unless you have an exceptionally thick wallet and like to lighten it on a product with no foreseeable advantage.

To the original poster, you are posting on a public forum and you better expect to get wildly different recommendations/criticisms of your plan. When someone says "BEST BUY SUCKS", ignore them, telling them to essentially "f off" makes everyone hate you even if your reasoning was semi-justifiable.

"If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit" -Mitch Hedberg