Originally posted by skunk:
I believe everyone who posted was honest, we just haven't had problems with our cars to talk about. I'm not being hard on you but just about all makes have some problems so it is hard to compare or tell you exactally what you want to hear.
so you see just by my examples you just don't know you could get the svt and be totally fine or have issues.

get the svt take your chances it is one hell of a nice car

Wholeheartedly agreed. It was not my intention to insinuate dishonesty among others here to get you to buy the car - after all, we're not salesmen here!

As said, "most" Contours seem to treat you well if you treated it well, as with most cars in general. The investment of any car in particular is a chance though, especially used without warranty, of course.

This particular car does have engineering quirks (some of which alias stated above), but if you stick around on the site you'll learn exactly what's up and how to circumvent all of those areas.

I'd still say get the SVT. My post was primarily to let you know there is a chance it's might not be 120% perfect as others' are -- but in all reality it's the same way buying almost any car of this age.