From the very first post:
Originally posted by SVT PETE:

Deadline to submit pics
October 31, 2004
This gives you four weekends to wash, wax pose, shoot and submit.

Following this date a CEGer will help design the cover and layout and design of the calendar.

Calendar release date
Shooting for the 2nd week of November

Given that the submission deadline was extended by about a week, I would think the release date would probably also move.

Bob Johann SoundQ SVT 1998 T-Red SVT Contour #3088 2001 IASCA Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 SLAP Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 MECA SQL Master Class Champion 2003 IASCA StreetX 1-600 Champion 2005 SLAP Expert Street Champion