Originally posted by tirminyl:
I think SVT Pete's post needs to be quoted for all you to read again. 95% of the pictures posted in this thread are honestly crap. You have car domain on the pic, date/time stamps, they are all low res, they are taken in front of McDonalds and Walmart parking lot, and they plain suck.



It is a means of getting the pic on here to show... The originals that will be e-mailed are higher res and will not have the stamp on it.

I personally don't want the super high res pics on here... I'd rather see the smaller, lower res pics that are up for consideration and then let the committee ask for the top 15, 20, or 25 high res pics to be e-mailed for the final selection.

Bob Johann SoundQ SVT 1998 T-Red SVT Contour #3088 2001 IASCA Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 SLAP Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 MECA SQL Master Class Champion 2003 IASCA StreetX 1-600 Champion 2005 SLAP Expert Street Champion