Originally posted by g r y m e s:
Originally posted by chknhwk:
Originally posted by SoundQ SVT:
Here are my first 2 submissions... These are from Sounddomain, but the originals are 3504x2336.

I'll be taking some "static" pictures soon and posting them as well.


I vote for this shot, just try to see if you can pc the Lightning out of the back ground. Or at least crop the photo to get rid of it.
Can you email me the original? That shot is GREAT. john.f.preston at gmail dot com

I wouldnt mind the original of this shot as well if its not too much trouble. brian.grimes at gmail dot com

Just out of curiosity, can I ask why you guys would like a copy e-mailed to you? Just curious... that's all.

Bob Johann SoundQ SVT 1998 T-Red SVT Contour #3088 2001 IASCA Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 SLAP Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 MECA SQL Master Class Champion 2003 IASCA StreetX 1-600 Champion 2005 SLAP Expert Street Champion