Originally posted by dave5000:
It is unlikely that both HO2 sensors are shot, but still possible, I imagine. I'll search for a procedure to test the ECT as well, or just replace it. If my cats are shot would I need to replace the main cat also? Or just the precats and then we see how it goes? The whole mileliminator thing scares me...is that legal? Thanks once again.

Just realize I did not post the link to the TSB.

Not sure if you have to deal with inspections. Some have posted that the pre-cats are not necessary to assist in passing emissions tests but some have posted that they are. Bear in mind that the pre-cats cost about $700 each plus labor (so you are looking at $2000) if you want to replace them. The reprogramming by Ford just widens the band of limits before the CEL light comes on (not sure how long that is good for). Not really sure if mileliminators are legal or not but the way I see it (for me), it is widening the band of limits too. I have mileliminators now (and did not gut my pre-cats). I will know if I need to do more in May when I go for my smog emissions tests.

"Always do the cheap and easy ones first." 1996 V6 ATX 96K miles