A little late, Davo.

So anyway, the new iTunes only lets you burn each song you pay for 7 times. This is a serious restriction, and I don't consider it stealing to burn a copy and rip it as an mp3 so that I can use it a little more freely. I imagine they did that to get a certain artist onboard - Madonna? Whatever, it's still not bad for my use.

so Stryped - you use Napster to get songs for your iPod? Do tell! That's what I want to do, but the licence doesn't seem to allow it. Is it really possible? I don't have the newest Napster, does that matter?

Viss1 - amazon.com gives you full rights

-Philip Maynard '95 Contour [71 STS | Track Whore] '97 Miata [71 ES | Boulevard Pimp] 2006 autocross results