
Oh, and Lance Kinley (webmaster) is a tool.

This user has been banned. Please take note. Rules are here for a reason. However "soft" anyone may think some of the mods are... we WILL do our jobs. I would do this same thing to anyone that I respect on here, if they were to deserve it. (the respect would be because they follow the rules...)

there are no "friendships" here. there are no "alliances" and there are no "easy-outs". Any decision to blatantly disregard the rules, or blatantly disrespect the mods, the administrators or the site owners will be dealt with accordingly.


'99 CSVT - Silver #222/276 In a constant state of blow-off euphoria.
Originally posted by Kremitthefrog:
I like to wear dresses and use binoculars to watch grandmas across the street.