Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
They do get nominated.
That's how I became mod of my local chapter.
Mods are also chosen by volunteers - like when CI needed a couple more, a few existing mods volunteered. Or when this forum needed a new mod, Ray stepped up, etc.
Mods are also chosen by those who seem most knowledgeable in a particular area, and they are asked to give a hand based on that.

Basically, I'm saying there are a variety of ways.

And I'm DEFINITELY not in it for the epopularity.
If anything, an authoritative title only makes you hated more, and there's definitely no fun in that.

Despite what some may think, the mods of this site CARE about this site and want to contribute by keeping the peace and enforce the rules to further the enjoyment of the site for ALL. It's easy for all the butthurt folks to disagree with me on this one, but they've also never been on the other side of things to really understand that no mod is purposely trying to be a jerk to any member and abuse their power.
I'm wasting my breath on that argument though...

I heard you turned thier stomachs with all that bad, dirty girl talk so they figured if they made you a mod you'd have to follow the rules

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