Originally posted by skrilla187:
Originally posted by Pimpalicious316:
Originally posted by STRYPED BS:
Originally posted by Pimpalicious316:
Originally posted by JB1:
no, its just pimpalicious trying to maintain his own sense of self worth.

yes, because my entire sense of self worth is based soley on this contour website


...It's not?!


If us normal peeon's had the ability to choose a mod, I'd actually pick Andrew here, as he's far from "soft" and tells it like it is.

Now,a s far as helpfull.. he's sub-par.

i am more than willing to help for a fee. my sarcasm comes free though


You would help for a fee? Are you kidding me? Most people dont put anything into this site and all they do is take. I thought this place was made to inform and share ideas and thoughts about cars.

wow, i even included the word sarcasm in the post and you still didn't pick up on it?


2001 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition 20 valves of fury