hahaha mark you are so funny wine cooler???? yes that is exactally what i did......... and i was the first one there after all of my wine coolers. and is the only reason that you bash me on the site is because finnally there is some one that knows less about cars than you?????? and now you dont have to feel stupid around everyone else!!!!!!!!! haha but anyways who leaves a car in gear you moron. but i do want to say it was very cool meeting new people today and i learned alot of new things but at my expence of hearing mark just biteh and moan all day long and tell me how stupid i am all day long
P.S>. your son mark is one cool guy he sould come around more often!

1998.5 Silverfrost SVT, DOB 5/6/98, 5848 0f 6535 1999 contour sport v6 atx LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME BECAUSE TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME