Originally posted by Big Jim:
My company uses Budget, and I end up in a lot of Chevy Malibu's

That's gotta suck. I had an '02 Malibu rental car. God was the handling on that thing ever pathetic. Where I used to live there was one offramp with a (frankly rather high) speed limit of 30 mph, which I always used as an impromptu skidpad. My T-Bird could do 46 safely. My dad's Grand Cherokee could manage 38 without complaint. In the Malibu, I couldn't exceed 32--that's right, two miles an hour over the posted limit--without all 4 tires screaming and understeering so much I had to fight it to keep from plowing off the road. The only car I've ever driven that was worse was a 1986 Buick Riviera with 270k on the original shocks, and even it wasn't far behind.

'99 Contour Sport V6 MTX